Friday, April 21, 2017

Duck and Friend

Hi! Whatch'a doin?
Hey want to go to the pond?
Seven? Sure see ya!

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Beautiful Picture

Once upon a time there lived a young artistic boy named Picasso. Well artistic to some people.Others not so much. One day he had some homework to do(drawing).His friends said this is going to be done in a flash. Well not for Picasso. He thought he would fail.So he did some stuff very interesting he thought he did not do a  good job.But when he returned  to school the next day everyone thought  it was amazing.Even  the grumpy teacher He did not no what was going on why they were asking for autograph and pictures  non-stop.But he when he turned it in he found out what was going on. He got a 100 on his drawing and grew a frown on his face because he wanted to get a bad grade. He thought he was bad at drawing, but he was also proud he did good. He grew up to be a great artist.

Friday, January 27, 2017

About My Voki

My favorite thing about my Voki is which character I chose and its appearance. It was very fun, cool😎 and exciting😁. I chose my Voki background because it matched with my Voki's clothes. I chose my Voki character because she is very pretty and I knew what to name her.😛😉 

Friday, October 21, 2016

i cons

  1. I used the trofy because I LOVE winning .I also had put a 8 because I am 8 .i put a present because I love getting presents .I  put a heart so I can share my love . i put sun glasses so everyone will know that I am cool .i put the ! because I am alwase happy and exsided .I put the snow flake because I love snow and ice.